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Sinau Genova

Sinau s.a.s.

Informative Systems & Automation


Sinau s.a.s. provides services of
Analysis and definition of electrical, hardware and software functional specifications, realizes automation software for PLC controllers and their relevant HMI/SCADA applications, handling all tests steps and on-site commissioning.

Credits for the icons:
Electrical service icons created by Ayub Irawan – Flaticon


Sinau s.a.s. is involved, since the beginning of its history, in diversified branches of industrial automation plants, with particular focus on iron & steel production, energy power plants, chemical and petrochemical.

Credits for the icon:
Industry 4.0 icons created by Freepik – Flaticon


Sinau s.a.s. is well experienced in dealing with development tools and packages for PLC programming of primary brands (Siemens Step5/Step7/TIA Portal,
GE, Rockwell), development tools for HMI/SCADA applications
(Siemens WinCC classic, e.g. V7.x, WinCC TIA V10.5 -> V16,
Cimplicity, FactoryTalk).).

Credits for the icon::
Software icons created by GOWI – Flaticon